High Fives this Friday

I’m so glad it’s finally Friday! I’ve had something going on after work every night this week. Some nights were work related, some fun related. Last night I had to stay late for Family Literacy Night at school. I was on the “vocabulary” team and created a Pyramid game (like the TV show) for the kids. It was a huge hit! So many kids  and parents wanted to play that the night just flew by. It does throw me off to not get home til 7:30. It’s all for those kiddos though. 🙂

As I knew I would have to be at school from 7:30am-7:00pm yesterday, I brought my running gear with me. I technically had a break from 3:45-5:30pm, but didn’t want to run all the way home (20 minute drive) and come back. I tossed on my cold weather running gear and headed out by my school. Luckily, I dressed warm enough because out of the blue it started snowing! At first, I thought something was falling out of the trees until I realized it was snow! First flakes of the year for us here of the “melt right away” kind. Not so pretty though because I was running and couldn’t really see too far in front of me.

2013-10-24 16.21.05I’m giving myself a “High Five Friday” today for running at work. This is something I never even would’ve considered last year. I’m much more conscious of sitting a lot at work lately, so I try to stand and move more often. I was grateful to get a run in because it helps with restlessness.

2013-10-24 16.20.58My actual run was ehhh, ok. I was pretty cold for the first mile, but after that my core warmed up and I wasn’t so cold. I am loving the cold weather headband I recently purchased. I definitely need something to keep my ears warm.

Even though my run was just “ok”, I’m still really glad I went. Afterwards, I felt I wasn’t as tired as I would’ve been on a long day/night like this.

I am giving myself another high five for grabbing a salad and fruit cup from Festival Foods for dinner last night. Due to the late night at work, I didn’t feel like packing two meals (lunch & dinner) for the day. The spinach salad came with berries, pecans, and feta. The fruit included pineapple, blackberries, strawberries, and kiwi. It’s a great option for a meal! I ate half and am saving the other half for lunch today. Yah for not having to make a lunch today (one of my least favorite things to do). Check out other High Five Fridays at A Dash of Meg!

2013-10-24 16.59.37I hope you all have a fantastic weekend! I’m hoping to get another longer run in this weekend if the weather cooperates. We’re also going to look at treadmill I found on Craigslist, so I’m hoping it’s nice. I would love the option this winter to run at home.


What are you giving yourself a “high five” for this Friday?

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17 thoughts on “High Fives this Friday

  1. If it does not work out with the treadmill you are looking at, let me know, I have a very nice one for sale and am close to where you are located. I am asking $400.00.
    I just can’t seem to get into the boring treadmill routine any time of year.
    It also snowed here yesterday, it just seems so early!!!!!

  2. Do you have high five friday every friday? How have I missed that? I love the idea!

    I wish I could run during my lunch break at work. It just never seems to work out timing wise.

    Ugh! We started hearing the dreaded “S” word this week.

  3. Welp I slept in today and did not go running because it was in the 30’s this morning at 5 am BUT I am making a healthy dinner (Red Thai Shrimp Curry) right now chock full of veggies! Where did you get your running earmuff headband?

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